Portrait Photographer from Amarillo, TX joins Fstoppers.com Staff

Several weeks ago I was approached by one of the editors of a popular photography website, Fstoppers.com, to join their staff as a writer. I was totally happy to jump on board. As a photographer who studies and educates myself on the craft every single day, I have followed Fstoppers for years, gleaning tons of information from their articles and video tutorials. Being asked to join the ranks of the amazing photographers and educators on their site is beyond an honor. 

I will be contributing to the site weekly, and my first article was published on January 30th. You can view it here. In it, I discuss ways that my photography sessions have improved through thorough client consultations. You see, I learned a while back that by offering more and better service to my clients, I would become a better photographer and I would produce well-thought-out images that would be cherished and adored by clients for years to come. I want to create the photos that every client dreams of having, and those are just not possible with a rushed, thrown together, on-the-fly photoshoot. I hope that my clients will agree, the extra time and care spent is priceless.